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Rebecca Rockefeller

The Buy Nothing Forest

I'm very excited about a project we've just started with our first Impact Partner, Treedom. With their help, we're planting the Buy Nothing Forest, with trees spread out across the 17 countries they serve. You can contribute to Treedom, choose your own trees, and either keep them and watch them grow or gift them to others and give them that joy. And no matter what you choose, your seedlings will be living gifts to their communities for years to come, and a gift of clean air and balance for our precious planet earth.

Click through to Treedom here and use the code GIVE20 (make sure it's ALL CAPS!) when you check out to get 20% off your tree total. This code will work through 15 January, 2023, and a small percentage of your contribution will be given to the Buy Nothing Project to help us cover our ever-rising operational costs that keep our resources, help center, and indie BuyNothing platform online and accessible to everyone.


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